701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com

Present: Justin Medler, Kelly Bertsch, Wayne Johnson, Scott Joern, Rick Huber, & Holly Johnson. Meeting called to order at 6:58pm. 

Not Present: Robby Rosselli

Guests: Kadi Ruby, John Schwartz

Minutes: The December 17, 2024 meeting minutes were presented and accepted as written by Rick Huber, second by Kelly Bertsch. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. 

  • Taxes have not been deducted from the checking account but are complete
  • Income up approx $40K compared to last year

No bills to approve/pending. 

Old Business:  

  1. Track Equipment
    • Wayne Johnson motioned to purchase a new piece of equipment, Scott Joern seconded the motion. 4 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion carried.
      • Heavy Hitch = $18,000; check with banks to obtain a 0% interest loan 
      • 53 teeth that last 20-30 nights, teeth are approx $28/tooth; $1000-$2000/year for maintenance; 12’ wide
  2. Raffle Car
    1. Krys Yost has the car and Scott Joern submitted an invoice from him for $5300 minus $2500 for the car (donated by Swartwout/Jeremy Rust). 
    2. Will sell tickets for $50/piece with a limited number of tickets available
  3. 2025 Schedule
    • WOO Late Models June 29, 2025 – “Minot Mayhem”
      1. Consider using MyRacePass for ticket sales.
      2. Hess declined sponsoring WOO Late Models
    • INEX Legends Winter Nationals Oct 9-11, 2025
      1. Kelly Bertsch presented a P&L Statement
      2. Wayne Johnson motioned to run the show on our own (the 2nd option of the options they presented us) vs. splitting the profits 50/50. Scott Joern second. All in favor. Motion carried. 
  4. 2025 Sponsorships

New Business:

  1. 2025 Membership cards were all signed by Justin Medler and given to Holly Johnson
  2. John Schwartz (guest) came to ask about the number of checks Harrison Schwartz (Sport Compact) has outstanding
  3. Kadi Ruby (Nodak Hall of Fame, Standing President)
    • HOF wall still in the works, anticipated installation still this spring
      • $28K-$30K in initial cost including 80 plaques. Wall will fit up to 150 plaques. Plaque sizes were increased for visibility, which comes with a higher cost. 
    • Feb 27th – HOF Nomination Meeting
      • Wayne will be there, and Rick Huber will represent the Board on the panel
      • Induction process is going to be amended, percentage of votes a range instead of a set percentage threshold
    • When April general meeting postcard goes out, Kadi wants to include HOF info
    • 2027 Anniversary: yearbook information gathering has started; Wayne has a ton of yearbooks from the 1950s; Dawn Volk also has a ton of items
  4. IMCA Franchise Documents – Completed by Kelly Bertsch and fee of $500 paid
  5. Brushfire app for WOO – May not need if using MRP or NDSF
  6. Car Show
  1. Regional Qualifier for Legends – July 4th event, make sure to put this in MRP
  2. MyRacePass (MRP)
    1. Consider moving the website to be under MyRacePass ($599 yearly cost, currently paying $300/year for Web Funnel hosting).
      • $1800 for initial web page design (set up fee)
      • Current web hosting cost for the year has been paid (Web Funnel).
      • Need to know if we can post meeting minutes to this MRP webpage. 
    2. Could sell tickets through MRP
      • Fees to use are passed on to the purchaser; 
      • Electronically scan using phones at the door
    3. Need to consider that people may be UNAWARE of the MRP app. 

Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be on January 28, 2025 at 7:00pm at the Clarion. 

Meeting Adjournment: Motion by Kelly Bertsch to adjourn the meeting. Second by Wayne Johnson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.