701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com



Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 13, 2023



The March 6, 2023 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion.


Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. There were no bills to approve.  


Old Business

  1. Car Show Updates
    • The board heard back from the insurance company on the car smashing fundraiser that may be held during the car show. As long as the requirements are met, the event can be held. We will need to reach out to the NDSF to see if we can hold this fundraiser in front of the outside entrance doors.
    • The water truck the club purchased is close to being ready for the season. There are just a few components that need replacing/upgrading. The truck will be on display at the show.
  2. The sale of the scale has been cancelled as the board was reminded that this was donated to the club.


New Business

  1. A proposal was presented to do a demolition derby show outside of the state fair if there is room in our 2024 schedule. The proposal would be a two day event (Friday night and Saturday afternoon) and all payouts are pre-sponsor numbers. Registration would also be open to drivers from Minnesota and eastern North Dakota. The board is very interested in holding this event and will table discussion pending additional information and meeting with NDSF.
  2. Topless poster is being worked on so that we can get this posted to the website.
  3. High Air Ground is interested in having a kid’s day night.
  4. Opening night sponsor is passing for the 2023 season.


Next Meeting

The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 3, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion.


Meeting Adjournment

Motion by and second to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.



Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 6, 2023



The February 27, 2023 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion.


Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. Motion and second to pay the bills. Motion carried.  


Old Business

  1. Car Show Updates
    • Tad Wagner attended the meeting to inquire if a car smashing fundraiser could be done during the car show. The board will have to check with NDSF and insurance carrier to see if this event could be accommodated.
    • Booths continue to be sold. The rooms will be full so should be a good show.
    • Kelly and Colleen will be meeting with First Western Insurance to verify event, track and equipment coverage.
    • The club is responsible for night security at the car show. Justin will contact volunteers to provide the security.
    • Rick Huber will be the contact for the door entrance volunteers.  


New Business

  1. Brandon Beeter attended the meeting to let the board know where the club logo would be located on the Nodak TV website. He also left the contract for Darn TV for the 2023 season.
  2. Discussion was held on ticket and pit prices. Motion and second to raise adult, senior and military prices by $2. Motion carried. There will be no change to pit prices.
  3. Updates for the website will be sent to Kadi Ruby for posting.
  4. INEX Legends wants to hold a race. Motion and second to hold the INEX Legends race in August. Motion carried.
  5. Purse payout schedule was discussed. Motion and second to accept new payout schedule and do away with the booster night. Motion carried.


Next Meeting

The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion.


Meeting Adjournment

Motion and second to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.