701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com

Present: Justin Medler, Scott Joern, Wayne Johnson, Rick Huber, Kelly Bertsch, Robby Rosselli, & Holly Johnson. Meeting called to order at 6:53pm. 

Minutes: The October 22, 2024 meeting minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion and second. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. Motion and second to approve/pay the bills. All in favor. Motion carried. 

Old Business:  

  1. Equipment Update
  2. Track Water
  3. Raffle Car
  4. WOO Late Models June 29, 2025  
  5. 2025 Schedule
    • Motion and second to remove Mods on August 10th, and replace with Legends, leaving August $4K to win shows. Six in favor, one opposed. Motion carried.
  6. MPF Gift Cards & Banquet Thank Yous

New Business:

  1. NDSF Meeting
  2. Kristi Rosselli – interested in helping Nodak with marketing in exchange for $250 sponsorship/advertisement with Community Rocks! Foundation + Qdoba catering our Awards Banquet in 2025.
    1. Motion and second to use Qdoba for catering the Awards banquet. All in favor. Motion carried.
    2. Motion and second to donate $250 to Community Rocks! Foundation in exchange for Kristi Rosselli assisting with marketing. All in favor. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be on November 4th at 7:00pm at the Clarion. 

Meeting Adjournment: Motion and second to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.