701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com


Meeting Minutes

Nodak Racing Club Minutes



The May 16, 2023 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion.


Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. Motion and uberHubersecond to pay the bills. Motion carried.  


Old Business

  1. Race Night Recap
  • Internet connectivity is not working in the announcer’s booth. Rick will contact SRT to check on the router so that we don’t have any issues going forward.
  • Jeff Barta attended the meeting to let us know that he has everything in place for military and first responder appreciation night.  


New Business

  1. The board discussed track prep going forward. There is quite a bit of work to be done to get ready for the Memorial Day weekend. Justin will take the lead on track prep.
  2. The 2023 yearbooks are ready to print. Motion and second to order the black and white copies from Lowe’s Printing and the color copies from BHG in Garrison. Motion carried.
  3. A proposal was presented from Pure Powersports for the purchase of a UTV for use by the EMT rescue crew for race nights. The request would allow the EMT crew to cover the grandstands as well as the pits should the need to respond to any medical emergencies arise. This vehicle will only be used by the rescue crew. Motion and second to make the purchase. Motion carried.
  4. The board discussed the purchase of a bench at the Roosevelt Zoo. This will be considered at a later date.


Next Meeting

The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion.


Meeting Adjournment

Motion and second to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.