Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
All members present, 2 guests
The August 16, 2022 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion by Kelly Bertsch, second by Scott Joern.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. A motion was made and second to approve bills. Motion carried.
Enerbase still owes the club money from ticket sales from Memorial Day weekend, the Mod Tour and first two races in August. Their sponsorship is also owing. An invoice has been sent.
Old Business
Business radio licensing needs to be renewed prior to May 2023. Brandon will call on this to confirm the number of radio frequencies prior to making payment.
Yearbook Robby will get a price for black and white copies in increments of 50 and 100.
New Business
Race Recap
For the remainder of the season, Larry will need to start his program at 6:50 pm so that the races can start on time at 7:00 pm. Tiffany Aho would be willing to get volunteers to take tickets and work the ticket windows and then oversee that group. There has been a lack of volunteers for the last few races and the ticket windows and ticket takers have shut down prior to the first feature.
Championship Night Format
Discussion was held with regard to the race format to change it up. Heats would be treated as hot laps and the feature would line up based on points and wins. Twelve or less, six cars will be locked in the feature and more than twelve, eight would be locked in the feature.
Next Meeting
The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion Hotel.
Meeting Adjournment
Motion and second to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.
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