701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com


Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


All member present, two guests.



The October 17, 2023 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion.


Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. Motion and second to approve the bills. Motion carried.uberHuber


Business to Discuss 

  1. Adam Pabin of the Minot Daily News attended the meeting to discuss doing a preview of the upcoming 2024 season along with driver profiles and class explanations. A suggestion was made to do class champions and runners-up now that the season has ended. Going forward, different aspects of the club could be featured.
  2. Equipment
    • Jeff Barta is willing to do the repairs on the cultivator in the spring.
    • The club will look at pricing for a sheepsfoot and pro till.
  3. Purchasing a fidelity bond was discussed. Costs will be obtained to present at the next scheduled meeting.
  4. Motion and second to purchase a CD to mature in April 2024. Motion carried.
  5. Two versions of the 2024 race schedule were presented to the board. One schedule would have championship night on July 4th and the other would have championship night on August 25th. The board agreed to use the earlier schedule and move the track championships to June 30th. Finalized schedule along with adjustments will be presented at the next meeting.
  6. The weekly purse for 2024 will remain the same as 2023. The Motor Magic purse will be discussed at a later meeting.
  7. The pit trailer needs to be managed better. There needs to be a limited number of individuals in the trailer and there needs to be specific tasks assigned to the volunteers. Going forward, membership cards will need to be shown. Holly Sebo has volunteered to manage the memberships for the 2024 season. Motion and second to have Holly Sebo manage the memberships. Motion carried. Wristband numbers will be recorded by the drivers name. Brandon is also looking into software to use as a third party for tracking memberships.
  8. Transponders inventory was discussed. The inventory is now down to six transponders. Since the inventory is so low, the transponders will no longer be taken to Williston for rent at their races.
  9. Requests have been received to hold General Meeting/Rules Meeting more often than twice a year. Any member can attend the board meetings at any time.
  10. Transition stock cars can only race at tracks transitioning to IMCA rules, per Jim Standard.
  11. Contracts will be signed for the NDSF facilities for the spring car show and the awards banquet.
  12. A request was received from KMSU for a donation to their auction fundraiser. The board agreed to give them flex tickets.


Next Meeting

The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion.


Meeting Adjournment

Motion and second to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.