Meeting Minutes
January 31, 2022 – Board Meeting
1 member absent, 4 guests in attendance
Dakota Cruisers will occupy the same spots as the 2021 show.
If we need volunteers to help at the main entrance table, the club will help out.
A vehicle of some type is needed in order to haul medical and fire equipment during the races. Swenson is interested in helping out the club.
The January 10, 2022 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion, motion accepted
The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. A motion was made to approve payment of bills. Motion carried.
Car Show Flyers/Advertising –
Jeff will put together a flyer design and have it sent to BHG for printing. Flyers need to be done as soon as possible so they can be distributed mid-February.
Club will have BHG do pocket schedules for this year’s race season.
Radio advertising – Contact radio station to do a radio remote during the pinewood derby. Time frame would be 11:00-4:00. Normal remotes are in two hour blocks.
Items donated from the club were a hoodie, beanie, championship shirt, can koozies and four flex tickets. They were for a silent auction to assist a member.
Radios need to be sent in to be checked so they are ready to go for the race season. Beau requested the use of some radios for fire training taking place in February.
The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion. (changed to the 16th due to conflict)
Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.
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