701.822.RACE (7223) racenodak@gmail.com



Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2021 – Board Meeting Sleep Inn

All members present, 1 guest

The September 28, 2021 Minutes were presented and accepted as written

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. A motion was made to approve bills presented for payment. Motion carried.

Discussion on gift cards for volunteers was held. Motion made and carried

Postcards for the general meeting scheduled for October 24th have been mailed

Scott Cromwell attended the meeting with regard to putting on a Demolition Derby with the club.
Motion to partner with Scott to put on this event. Motion carried.

The next Executive Board meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm prior to the General Meeting at 2:00 pm.

Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.



Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2021 – Board Meeting

One board member absent, no guests

The September 14, 2021 Minutes were presented and accepted as written, motion approved

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. A motion was made to approve bills presented for payment. Motion carried.

1. Discussion continued on the track dirt replacement

2. Track work may have to wait until next year given the club’s lack of funds at this time.

The next Executive Board meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 11, 2021.

Motion to adjourn, approved



Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2021 – Board Meeting 

All board members present plus 4 guests

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous board meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

Financials were discussed.
A motion was made to approve the presented bills. The motion was seconded and approved by the board. It was suggested that the club prepay Verizon and SRT for the off season. This will save the club accounting costs. Motion carried.

Motor Magic was held September 3-5. Attendance was at 2462 spectators for the weekend with Friday night having the lowest attendance.

Discussion continued on the track dirt replacement. Brandon Beeter, Jeff Barta and Spencer Wilson presented ideas on how to accomplish this and solicited input from other board members and attendees

1. A discussion was held with regard to gift cards for the volunteers. This matter has been tabled to the next meeting.

2. Colleen Bertsch has been appointed interim Secretary due to the resignation of Jess Knudson.

3. Election meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, October 24th at 2:00 pm. Brandon will put together the agenda to be included on the post cards. BHG will print them out.

4. Year End Awards and Car Show – April 23rd & 24th are available. Practice Day is May 1st in the afternoon with opening night racing later that evening. Motion by the board. Motion carried.

The next Executive Board meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

Motion to adjourn, approved



Meeting Minutes

August 31, 2021 – Board Meeting Sleep Inn

All board members were present along with (2) guests.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous board meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

Financials were discussed.
A motion was made to approve the bills presented. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

The upcoming Motor Magic weekend was discussed.

A motion was made at 8:36pm to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

The next board meeting will be held Tuesday September 14th, 2021 at the Sleep Inn at 7:00pm.



Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2021 –  Board Meeting Sleep Inn

All board members were present along with (2) guests.

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous board meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

Financials were discussed.
A motion was made to approve the presented bills. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

We discussed holding the election meeting in October.

A motion was made to run IMCA classes only during Motor Magic Weekend. The motion was seconded and approved by the board.

Power Wheels will be running during intermission at the Sunday races of Motor Magic.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by the board at 8:44pm.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday August 31st, 2021 at 7:00pm at the Sleep Inn