Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
All members present, 1 guest
The June 28, 2022 minutes were presented and accepted as written by motion.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report was presented for discussion and review. A motion and second by Robby to approve pending bills. Motion carried.
Old Business
Business radio licensing needs to be renewed prior to May 2023. Brandon will call on this to confirm the number of radio frequencies prior to making payment.
Catwalk is now completely finished. We will need to ensure that people stay off of the stairs as this is a safety issue.
New Business
Race night recap.
Over all, the show went well despite the Hobby Feature going long due to numerous yellow flags. The Hobby Stock King of the Hill went over well. The qualifying leading up to the King of the Hill race went longer than anticipated.
We were very short handed but everyone worked together to cover areas of need.
Currently, the catwalk is insured for $40,000. If we increase the insurance to $60,000, the annual premium would be $1,500. To insure the catwalk for $100,000, the annual premium would be $2,500. The premium has been paid for this year and the board will continue this discussion next year.
Spoke to North Country Mercantile about horizontal free standing water tanks. A 3200 gallon tank would be $7800 and a 2500 gallon would be $6900. The board will continue to look at pricing.
Four trophies will be ordered for the Demolition Derbv.
Next Meeting
The next Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Clarion Hotel.
Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.
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